
“Red Poppy” – Beautiful art for little hands

During the week of our summer camp dedicated to Georgia O’Keeffe, the kids recreated one of her most famous pieces of artwork – Red Poppy. The purpose of the lesson was to elaborate the vocabulary associated with this striking image of a poppy while having fun learning English using our Language through Art Curriculum!

Age group: 5-10 years of age
Word development: stem, flower, petals, leaves, green, red, black, blue, details, size, background, tissue paper, glue, paint brush, oil pastels, emotions, center, outside, circle, triangle, roll, ball

You will need:

Watercolor paper
Red, black and green tissue paper
Lamination glue
Oil Pastels
School Glue
Black Acrylic Paint

Let’s get started:
Step 1: Show the kids how to draw a simple flower shape with a circle center. Add two triangle shaped leaves.

Step 2: Cover the flower with red tissue paper layers and lamination glue.

Step 3: Add details to the center of the flower covering with little balls of black tissue paper.

Step 4: Add details to the leaves by rolling the greeen tissue paper and triming the leaf. Cover with a generous layer of lamination glue.

Step 5: Color the background with oil pastels.

Step 6: Mix the black acrylic paint and the school glue together. Use the glue dispensor to trace the outline of the flower. Add details.

Try it with your kids and let us know how it works for you!
Stay tuned for more beautiful projects dedicated to Georgia O’Keeffe.

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