Nature crafts / Prodotti FunLab

Pressed Flower Art!

Pressed Flower Art

I usually spend Saturday afternoon with kids who I invite over to help me open and try out new toys. My mini tester crew! The kit I would like to present today, however, I decided to open and do all by myself. What could I be referring to? The Pressed Flower Art kit by 4M was something that I wanted to do! Yes, a toy for big girls:). I don’t know which part of the afternoon that I enjoyed more. The first step was to collect flowers to use in the pressed flower art project! After a quick walk around the neighbourhood and a stop at the flower shop, I had all that needed to get started.

Let’s get started!

The flowers needed to be layered into the press provided with the kit.

Pressed Flower Art

After I closed the flowers into the press, I screwed it shut. This was the hard part – I had to wait a week to open it up and see how the pressed flower art project had gone.

Pressed Flower Art

Look how beautiful the dried flowers are! The colours are vibrant. It was definitely worth the wait! If you want to watch the video, make sure you take a look at @funlabmi.

This kit comes with lots of accessories for creating lovely projects. For example, there are two different sized boxes to be decorated. I decided to start with these as we need them for our teacher gifts for the FunLab contribution to the Magic Cupcake contest!

Pressed Flowers art

Come back next week to see what we put in the boxes for our end of the year teacher gifts.

keep crafting


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