Crafts for kids / Idee creative FunLab / Laboratori FunLab

Painting without a paint brush!

Painting without a paint brush

Have you ever tried to turn your time with kids upside down and do things differently? This weekend we had an upside down moment! During a FunLab Workshop event, I had the kids paint gift bags but the challenge was that they couldn’t use a paint brush! I gave them corks, straws, q-tips and wooden forks but no paint brushes. At first they seemed a little perplexed but then they got into the activity. The results were amazing. The experience of painting without a paint brush was fun and helped the kids realise that you can use things that you can find at home in an alternative way.

The great thing about this activity is that we did not need to order anything. I went through a drawer in my kitchen and found everything that we needed. I have loads of left over paint so the kids just mixed the colors I gave them to create what they wanted! If you are looking for make great ideas – take a look at the FunLab archive!

keep crafting


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