As FunLab nears its second anniversary, I thought it would be fun to introduce another young e-commerce based company – milobito.
This is a great story: four sisters, three in Madrid and one in Italy, decide to start a business based on importing high quality Spanish shoes and clothing for children. The Italian based sister, a long time resident in Milan, is a lawyer, translator and now a business owner (sound familiar?:))!
During the start up of the company, I got to know one of the sisters, Olga Martinez, and would like to share some of her thoughts with you:
1. Who exactly is milobito (“my little wolf” in Spanish)?
“Lobito è un lupetto amico delle mamme e dei bambini, molto molto piccolo perché è nato pochi mesi fa. E’ la mascotte di tanti vestiti e accessori per bambini, allegri e colorati, ed è sempre in viaggio tra la Spagna e l’Italia per farli conoscere ai suoi amichetti e alle loro mamme, che possono acquistarli sul suo sito in modo veloce, sicuro e soprattutto economico.”
“Lobito is a little wolf, a friend for moms and kids. He is really small because he was born just a few months ago. Lobito is the mascot of colorful shoes, clothes and accessories for children. He travels back and forth between Spain and Italy to help his little friends and their moms to get to know his economic products which can be purchase from his site”
2. Where did the idea for the creation of the company come from?
“E’ nata da quando tante mamme hanno iniziato a chiedermi dove compravo le scarpe e vestitini per la mia bimba. Così io e le mie sorelle che vivono in Spagna abbiamo pensato ad un modo per farli arrivare qua in Italia.”
“The idea started when many of my friends continually asked me where I buy my little girl’s shoes and clothes which lead my sisters (who live in Spain) and I to look for a way to sell them here in Italy”
3. What are your aims for 2012?
“Far conoscere il più possibile i diversi prodotti, scarpe e abbigliamento, alle mamme italiane, e cercare che Lobito sia conosciuto ai bimbi.”
“We would like for Italian moms to try out our products which include shoes and clothes – so that lots of little kids can get to know our “Lobito”.
4. Are you working on the project full time?
“Si, sto lavorando a questo progetto a tempo pieno perché mi entusiasma e poi perché il nostro lupetto “Lobito” da solo non ce la fa.”
“Yes, I work full time on this project because I have a lot of fun doing it and our “Lobito” can’t make it on his own”.
Recently, I was able to see for myself the shoes that Olga imports from Spain. My kids loved the colors and comfort! We are looking forward to seeing what colorful products “Lobito” has in store for us this spring!
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