Idee creative FunLab / Paper crafts

Magic paper – how to marble paper using nail polish!

Magic paper

I saw a post somewhere on the internet on all these cool things that you can do with nail polish. One of the things was marbled paper. We have made marbled paper using shaving cream in the past (click here for the post) but this technique to create marbling effects using nail polish caught my crafting eye. The one word that I would use to describe this technique is COOL. The effect of changing simple white paper was almost magical. You only discover the effect when you pick the paper up. So here is how we made our MAGIC PAPER in a brief tutorial explaining how to marble paper using nail polish.

You need to really cover your work surface well because this makes a huge mess. I went to the store and bought bright cheap nail polished and waited for my opportunity to try it out. If you can’t find anything the right price range, I saw this inexpensive nail polish on Amazon in great colors.

Prepare work area

Fill a plastic container (not reusable after this craft) with water. Quickly pour at least three different colours of nail polish on to the surface of the water.

pour nail polish on to the water

Lay a piece of paper on top of the water/nail polish.

lay paper on top of the nail polish

Quickly lift up the paper and lay off to the side to dry.

lift up paper

I usually know how we are going to use our creations before we do the project, however, this time I have to admit that I still don’t have plan for all the colourful paper that we created. The method of marbling paper using nail polish is so much fun that the kids could not get enough of it. It turned out to be a truly magical afternoon.

Here is a really short video showing how easy it is to do!

marbled paper

If you have any suggestions for how to use our great MAGIC PAPER marbled with nail polish write us a comment and I will try it out! There is a great craft kit by Make it Real which we sell which gives a similar effect. So, if you are looking for a gift for a creative teenager try out the paint pouring kit!

Keep crafting

Alison and the gang

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