The month of September marks the launch of the FunLab headquarters located in downtown Milan. The 80 square meter location is dedicated to our three main services.
Pick-up Desk: For customers in Milan, we offer the possibility to pickup orders at our conveniently located showroom. Furthermore, it is possible to view all 300 products that are featured in our catalog. Any doubts about a product or need help picking out the perfect present for the little one in your life? Just stop by and we will be more than happy to help out.
Workshop/Birthday party facility: Specially designed for kids, this colorful space is dedicated to developing artistic talent. FunLab offers both an extensive selection of monthly courses as well as theme birthday parties. Need help organizing an unforgettable party – we will turn the organization into a stress free experience.
Parent zone: Not sure what to do while your children attend a course? FunLab has created a space especially for Moms and Dads. Sit down and have a coffee or a tea while you read a magazine – not a problem. Little brothers and sisters are also welcome – toys, changing table you will find it here!
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