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Fly away with me – refrigerator magnet

refrigerator magnet
When my daughter discovered the FLY AWAY WITH ME refrigerator magnet that I hung up last night she looked at me and said “WHAT’S UP?!”. Here is my answer:

September can be a lot fun – getting into the usual rhythms and seeing old friends! However, it is always a time of nostalgia for me. The long awaited summer vacation is over. Not only is it over – it literally FLEW BY! For that reason, I decided to fight back against my fall doldrums, I decided to plan a surprise vacation for the kids and myself for the New Year holiday. Instead of just telling them, I decided I would leave hints all over the house to see if they could figure out our next DESTINATION. In order to launch the adventure, I made this refrigerator magnet with the invitation to discover our mystery vacation.

To make the refrigerator magnet I used a wooden clothes pin and all sorts of wooden shapes out the of ALEX WOOD WONDERS craft kit that I opened a couple of weeks ago. The kit comes with paint so I used it to paint my airplane pieces black and red.
Wood wonders pieces
I glued my pieces together, added a couple of sticky back magnets and hung the invitation on the refrigerator

and waited until someone asked what was going on. Didn’t take long. I explained the rules of the game. There are 6 clues hidden all over the house. Whoever figures out the destination has to write it on a piece of paper and add it to my

FLY AWAY WITH ME refrigerator magnet!

welcome back!

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