No book club is complete without two of my favorite characters – Winnie and Wilbur. We have been reading these books to children for years and they are always a huge hit. Never heard of Winnie the Witch? Winnie is a silly witch and Wilbur is her cat – black obviously! The story line written by Valerie Thomas and the illustrations by Korky Paul are wonderful. The book we read to our group of 2nd and 3rd graders is Winnie and Wilbur and the BIG BAD ROBOT. Come discover what goes wrong with Winnie’s magic this time:). We paired the book up with a paper craft from – the only modification we made was to give our black cat green eyes – just like Wilbur.
You will need:
black paper
green paper
Winne and Wilbur and the BIG BAD ROBOT Flash cards 1
Winne and Wilbur and the BIG BAD ROBOT Flash cards 2
Flash cards words group 1: cat, witch, box, eyes, robot, nose, mouth, arm, leg
Flash cards words group 2: magic wand, bear, duck, frog, tail, rabbit, hand, house
If you have never followed the FunLab book club method remember to take a look at this post before you get started.
The tutorial by was done so well that I followed it exactly as shown! Take a look here. To make our cats look like Wilbur we used green paper for its eyes.
If you are doing a book reading in a library or book shop this is a great project – NO MESS! And the kids will be very satisfied with their projects.
If you are using the FunLab Book Club method let us know how it works for you!
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